Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Appco Group Support representative visits slums in India

Appco Group Support recently sent its representative, Philip Bresser, to visit slums in Chennai, India. This was to see what difference the company's projects for Street Children, run in lieu of a charity partner, were making.

Philip Bresser was impressed. Says he, “In the Western world we have reached the stage where we are used to the luxuries we have around us or that are so easily accessible. We live in a part of the world where we as individuals are empowered to make choices...I visited the Street Children projects of Anbu Illam in Chennai (Madras) South India. The field visit had a significant impact on me. Probably, because it is as confrontational as it can get.”

He inspected each and every detail of the work done by Appco Group. He adds, about what he has seen and observed, “The things I have heard, seen and smelled in the slums and on the streets are very real. The Street Children projects in Chennai are necessary and really tangible. India is a country with a billion registered people and more than a million children are 'living' in the streets in Chennai. By directly supporting the projects in Chennai, we enable a significant 'extra' amount of children in Chennai to get proper shelter, health care, education and to be treated in a human way. We enable them to get into a position where they can make some choices in life as well, just like we do. The visit to Chennai put things into perspective for me”.

Appco Group is winning appreciation from all quarters for the work that it has been doing to slum children in India.